Mike Roberts Shares the Inside Story of World Children's Day at McDonald's
The Inside Story Short Film with Mike Roberts is divided into time segments for convenient access to specific Chapters and Topics. Please click the specific Time Code to access the desired chapter.
Time Code:
00:00-01:10 Program Open 01:10-06:00 Origins: A Time for Dreams and Big Ideas 06:00-08:55 The Emotion of Music: Telling Our Story 08:55-11:15 Energizing an Organization to Get Behind a Dream 11:15-12:15 Ronald McDonald House Broadcast Interstitial 12:15-15:12 A New Dialogue with Our Guests 15:12-19:00 Pockets of Resistance: The Enormity of the Challenge 19:00-20:40 Three Bars of a Song: Unity of A Higher Purpose 20:40-22:45 A Wave of Goodwill: A Worldwide Note 22:45-26:48 World Children's Day Anthem, Finale form the ABC Primetime Special 26:48-29:03 Measures of Merit