Virtual Event Production Insights Part One: Content Development

First Things First

When developing content for a Virtual Event, don’t get caught up in the terminology maze surrounding virtual delivery platforms and forget the basics of media communication.

What are the communication objectives?
What are the key messages…the “Proof Points”?
Who is the target audience?
How does a project fit within the overall brand communications strategy?
What is the appropriate amount of content?

Over our 35 years of producing professional communications…whether it’s an executive keynote presentation, a cinematic style feature piece, a sales demo or a technical session…we always have to start with those basics. That’s the only way to get it right… to lay the groundwork for the big plays that will move the needle.

But, what about Virtual Events? Aren’t they totally different?

From a technical delivery standpoint, yes, they are. The framework for content delivery is all digital. Creative virtual environments replace a physical environment like a ballroom or convention center. It’s a framework for the attendees to navigate around a collection of content…to participate in your offerings as interactively as possible, as if they were actually there. 

However, at the end of the day, remember, it’s about producing quality content…then delivering that content online. Online content delivery is something we’ve been doing since the advent of the internet, but, it’s obviously become much more relevant in the corporate events world with the shutdown of live in-person events.

Quality and Brevity are your Allies

Potential audiences are bombarded with online content in every shape and form. The Covid pandemic has created a situation of extreme over-saturation of online media.

The quality of content is all over the map…from cinematic feature work…to broadcast tv style… to low-budget “run and gun” production…to “zoom” style self-recordings.

Competition for viewers is fierce, so, in our view, producing quality, well-intentioned and engaging content for your Virtual Event should be your first and foremost consideration. 

Another primary consideration is the length of each presentation. We’ve found that along with quality of content, brevity is key. Especially with “non-captive” audiences, keep it short, stick to a great story…or risk losing your viewers. It’s just too easy for them to become disinterested or distracted and tune out.

Stay Tuned

These “Insights” are intended to provide a few over-arching guidelines on developing content for your virtual event production. 

As you develop plans for your Virtual Event Production, there are other essential pieces, including the Art of Creative Storytelling and Production, Digital Architecture Infrastructure, Content Delivery Network (CDN), Agenda and Content Programming, Metrics and Data Generation, and others. Those are subjects that we’ll take a look at in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

As an experienced Virtual Event Production team, we would be excited to collaborate with you on an integrated and cohesive virtual production plan.


Read part 2 of this series, Virtual Event Production Part 2: Quality Technical Execution

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